Discover SmartWorkout: Our Story

SmartWorkout was founded by Lucas and Christelle, two fitness enthusiasts who previously worked in finance and struggled to find enough time for effective training.

After extensive research, we discovered that resistance band workouts could be the solution, providing the flexibility to train anywhere, at any time, and saving us valuable time. Moreover, the progressive resistance and muscle failure sets allowed for complete workouts in just 20 minutes, perfectly suited to the busy world of finance.

However, we faced several issues when training with the resistance bands commonly available:

  1. Most elastic band kits (tubes) were flimsy, of poor quality, and posed safety risks as they tore easily.
  2. The resistance wasn't sufficient for progressive training.
  3. The handles included in the kits didn't provide an optimal grip for exercises like bench press, squats, and deadlifts.

Frustrated with the lack of products offering progressive resistance, we had an idea: Let's create the product we need!

After several trials and over 6 months of hard work, we successfully designed SmartWorkout Élite: a set of unbreakable, highly resistant elastic bands with adjustable resistance of up to 120 kg (240 lbs), along with a purpose-built resistance bar. We ensured these products would stand the test of time by selecting superior materials like natural latex, iron, and steel. Our goal was to provide a professional-grade equipment for effective and flexible long-term training, not just another gadget that would break down after a few weeks of use.

Today, our promise remains simple: Make fitness accessible to all.
No matter your schedule, space, fitness level, or investment capacity, we aimed to make fitness accessible to everyone through SmartWorkout Elite: high-quality equipment enabling efficient training wherever you are, in just 20 minutes a day for a complete workout.

SmartWorkout Team

SmartWorkout Timeline:

October 2020: Project Launch - Brainstorming, Testing, and Designing
March 2021: Launch of SmartWorkout Elite V1 in France
June 2021: First warehouse opened in Tigery, near Paris (France)
November 2021: Expansion to Europe (Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain)
February 2022: New version of SmartWorkout Elite with brand colors
June 2022: Second warehouse opened in Fribourg (Germany)
July 2022: Listing on Amazon
September 2022: Two new team members joined SmartWorkout
November 2022: Launch of the French mobile app
January 2023: Launch of the English mobile app
July 2023: Third warehouse opened in the United Kingdom